Friday, December 30, 2011

Diet to Control Diabetes

Let me share what I received in an e-mail from Real Age.

These three simple diet tweaks may help you dodge diabetes: Eat more leafy greens, choose fat-free yogurt, and add nuts and seeds to your diet. Each of these changes may help lower your risk of diabetes anywhere from 10 to 20 percent.
The Greens Scene
In a study, eating just one serving per day decreased diabetes risk by almost 10 percent. So stock up on spinach, arugula, romaine, and kale. (Reverse prediabetes with these three simple steps.)
Keeping your overall fat intake to under 30 percent of your total daily calories will do your pancreas big favors, according to research. It helps improve pancreatic function, and because the pancreas produces insulin, good pancreatic function is key to controlling diabetes risk. (Learn the difference between good fats and bad fats.)
Nuts About Seeds
In a study, middle-aged and older adults who consumed the most alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) -- a beneficial fat found in walnuts and flaxseeds -- lowered their risk of developing diabetes by 20 percent. In animal studies, higher levels of ALA have also been linked to improved insulin sensitivity and better regulation of glucose levels.(Use these three spices to get a better handle on your blood sugar.)
Diabetes Forecast
Diabetes is a leading killer -- and more than 25 million people in the United States have it. Isn't it great to know that you could avoid being a statistic just by eating the right foods? (Here's more straightforward advice on eating for better blood sugar.)
Wondering if you’re at risk for diabetes? Learn why keeping tabs on your blood sugar could save your life.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Food Favorites to Avoid

Watch your diet; eat healthy foods, exercise and stay fit. We all want to live relatively free of physical problems like obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, but we are not careful about prepared or packaged foods sold in supermarkets. Take for instance our love for ice cream. We think that the best is Haagen-Daz.  Nutritionists and scientists, according to a Nutrition Action Newsletter, an average half-cup serving squeezes half-a-day's saturated fat and a third-of-a-day's cholesterol into your artery walls and makes nearly 300-calories on your fat cells. That's of course assuming that you can stop after the first half cup of ice cream.
Whether or not you can believe this report, it is always a good idea to watch what you eat -- stay with healthy foods. More later on favorite foods to avoid.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Coffee Benefits and Pancreatic Cancer

Research now shows that coffee might decrease the risk of developing diabetes (or help diabetics?) by about 25 percent. But watch the sugar. Here's why.
Some coffee or tea drinkers like to add sugar to their coffee or tea. By doing so, according to the information, they don't get the protective blood sugar effect, and may run a higher risk of developing cancer of the pancreas. The risk of developing pancreatic cancer is related, in part, to the amount of sugar in the diet. 
People who drink soft drink or syrup-based sweet drinks twice a day or more have a 90 percent higher risk of getting cancer of the pancreas than those who never drink them. This information came from The article also said that some people may be sensitive to caffeine's effects, so you may want to avoid it. But even if you aren't sensitive to caffeine, you may want to limit yourself to two or three cups of black coffee a day. At least that's what my doctor says.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Memory Problems

Unless someone else knows more than I could find in researching the Internet about Procera

 I am almost convinced it will help improve my memory. I started taking it three days ago, but it is too early to tell if there is any memory improvement. I have read glowing testimonials about it, so it must be good. I need it because I am becoming forgetful more and more. I hope Procera will help slow down, if not prevent, memory loss. I'll keep you posted.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Top e-Reader

The latest rage is the Kindle Fire. If you want to have the best of e-Readers, 7" inch touch screen, with Wi-Fi and high capacity, the Kindle Fire is the best, for your money. Click below to see for your self.

Kindle Fire, Full Color 7" Multi-touch Display, Wi-Fi

Friday, October 14, 2011


This blog is designed to provide information  to those looking for health and personal care products as well as  information on dieting and weight loss, exercise and fitness programs.  Check this source out. Also, see the Pages on the right column.

Your comments are always welcome.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Know Your Cholesterol

Cholesterol is a type of fat found in your body. It is made up of LDL (low-density lipoprotein) and HDL (high-density lipoprotein), the two make up your total cholesterol.
LDL is “Bad” Cholesterol. It can build up in the wall of arteries causing a narrowing of the arteries slowing or blocking blood flow, thus increase your risk of heart disease. A major cause of heart disease is high LDL (Bad) Cholesterol..
HDL Cholesterol, called “Good” Cholesterol, helps remove the LDL (Bad) Cholesterol from arteries.
Triglycerides are another type of fat found in your blood. High levels of triglycerides are also unhealthy.

Keep in mind that LDL (Bad) Cholesterol is not totally to blame. There are certain risk factors that add to the effects of  LDL which put you at a greater risk of heart disease. Consult your doctor or health care professional for a more detailed explanation.

An alternative to drugs is explored in The Colin Carmichael program .  Colin Carmichael, cholesterol expert,  reveals the little known and seldom talked about secrets found in nature. This may work wonders for you in lowering cholesterol & triglycerides. Get cleaner arteries and kick start your heart health in lightning fast time. What have you got to lose except "Bad" cholesterol and triglycerides! 

      Here's an eBook you can download. It shows you how to control cholesterol naturally. You are given a list of heart friendly low cholesterol foods and recipes.  In any case, either the Colin Carmichael Program or the eBook  I would suggest to anyone concerned about heart health.



Monday, October 3, 2011

Vitamin K2

I received a newsletter in which claim was made that Vitamin K2 will keep your blood pressure healthy. It outlined three steps to follow to keep blood pressure in the healthy range.
  1. Remove calcium from arteries for optimum blood flow, presumably layers of calcium deposits narrow the blood vessels.
  2. Relax your arteries. When relaxed, your blood vessels open up wider and allow blood flow easily through.
  3. Ease blood vessel constriction by stopping Angiotensin II. It's been shown that blueberries help in inhibiting Angiotensin II enzyme. One study reported this in the Journal of Medicinal Food.
I would appreciate your comments on this report.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Why We Age

We are all interested in aging-- why we age, some faster than others. Gerontology or the study of aging has helped us understand better why we age. Theories of aging may be grouped into two. One group  states that aging is natural and our body is programmed to age. The other group claims that aging is a result of damage to the body gradually accumulated over time. The bottom line is that groups are to some degree correct. In the study of aging, one mus consider the complex interaction of genetics, chemistry, physiology and behavior.

The "programmed" theory claims that aging is caused by certain genes switching on and off over time, that there is a certain biological timeline that our bodies follow. There are hormonal changes that control aging. Additionally, our immune system is programmed to decline over time, leaving people more susceptible to diseases. More later

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

About MRI: A Douglass Report

Here's the report verbatim...

The business of modern medicine

You have to spend money to make money. That's an accepted fact in the business world. What a lot of people AREN'T ready to accept is that mainstream medicine is one of the biggest businesses out there -- which means that all of those same business rules apply.

So when your doctor spends big bucks on diagnostic imagining equipment, you know good and well who's REALLY footing the bill.

You are.

That's why it came as no surprise to me when a recent study found that docs who buy or lease MRI machines have much higher rates of screenings -- and ultimately, surgeries.

Researchers looked at Medicare claims for low back pain filed between 1998 and 2005 by primary care doctors and orthopedists, then isolated numbers on docs who bought or leased MRI machines in that time.

They found a 32 percent increase among primary care docs in the months immediately afterwards. Orthopedists had a smaller increase -- just 13 percent. But that's because the machines helped keep them busy in other ways: That 13 percent boost in MRIs led to a 34 percent increase in surgery rates, according to the study in Health Services Research.

If the surgeries were beneficial, I wouldn't have much of a problem with it. But for patients with back pain, neither the screening nor the surgeries that result from them are necessary.

As I told you recently during a similar exposé on X-rays for back pain, nearly everyone ends up with disc "problems" like slips and bulges. (Read more here.)

But most people never feel a thing -- proving that these disc issues are not the real cause of pain, just a convincing excuse to operate.

And that's why most people who go through back surgery end up in as much pain as they were before, if not more -- because now they’re recovering from an invasive procedure to boot.

So if your doc wants an MRI for something like back pain, find out if he owns the machine – and if he does, go get a second opinion.

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease

Here is an eye-opener, a video by Dr. Crandall discussing how to prevent and reverse heart disease.
Click this link

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Alert for Men

Of special interest for men (from WedMD):
BPH Drugs Linked to
Increased Prostate Cancer Risk

The FDA is requiring makers of drugs used to treat BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia) --
a condition with symptoms that include urination trouble due to an enlarged prostate gland --
to change labeling due to increased risk of a serious form of prostate cancer. The drugs
are sold under the brand names Proscar, Propecia, Avodart, and Jalyn.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Benefits of Coffee Drinking

Drinking coffee regularly appears to lower the risk of prostate cancer , especially the lethal form, according to new research.
The research took a look at all forms of prostate cancer and observed (quote), ''the highest coffee drinkers had about a 20% lower risk of developing prostate cancer during the follow-up," says researcher Lorelei Mucci, ScD, MPH, associate professor of epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health. See report in WebMD
The 20% lower risk was found in those drinking six or more cups daily compared to none, according to Dr. Mucci..
Protection was more against the most lethal form of prostate cancer. To quote from the report, "Among those drinking one to three cups a day, the risk of lethal prostate cancer declined 29%, compared to that of nondrinkers. Among those drinking six or more cups daily, the risk for deadly prostate cancer was reduced 60% compared to that of nondrinkers."
The surprising thing was that the risk reduction did not matter whether one drank regular coffee or decaf, leading to speculation that it maybe something else in coffee, perhaps not necessarily the caffeine that provides the protection.  More info at WebMD.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Lower Bad Cholesterol

LDL (bad cholesterol) can be lowered by dribbling tomato sauce on some food we eat. 

In a study of healthy adults who had high cholesterol subjects were able to lower their LDL levels simply by eating lycopene-rich tomato products every day. Both men and women consumed at least 25 milligrams of lycopene every day for several weeks, an amount that’s equivalent to lycopene you would find in a mere half-cup serving of tomato sauce. By the end of the study period, most people had lowered their LDL levels down about 10 percent, a kind of improvement you'd expect to see in someone taking a statin medication for a similar amount of time. Researchers think that lycopene reduces cholesterol by inhibiting the production of LDL and by breaking down this artery-clogging blood fat.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Sandwiches to Avoid

It's summer time, and we all like to make trips to the beach, hike in the woods, and go on a picnic. So pack the picnic basket with good food and drinks.
I just came across a very interesting slide show from WebMD; I don't think they will mind if I shared the link with you. The slide show tells you what is the better sandwich alternative.

Click here to view the slide show.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Statin Drugs

Here is information I gathered from Newsmax.

 Heart disease remains America's leading killer. It is said that someone dies  every 34 seconds of some form of cardiovascular disease. So it is easy to see why your doctor might prescribe a statin drug for you. like Lipitor or pravastatin.
According to Dr. Chauncey Crandall of Newsmax,  there is a time and a place for statins.  He prescribes statins as an "interventional medicine" that is, to use them temporarily while helping his patient's transition to a lifestyle that makes them unnecessary.
He sites that in the past 10 years, there has been a 27% decrease in fatal heart attacks. The improvement is due to statins. That's the good news.  
However, there are reasons to be cautious with statins because of two serious side effects.  

  1. (quote) Statins may elevate your liver enzyme functioning, which indicates some toxicity, inflammation, and cell damage to the liver. That's why your doctor will want to monitor your liver function with simple blood tests. But Dr. Crandall will tell you that liver damage from statins is rare and mostly found in those with pre-existing liver damage. 
  2. Another main concern is muscle wasting. Quoting Dr. Crandall  "Statins can cause myopathy, characterized by muscle aches and weakness, and sometimes fatigue. That's why the drug ads tell you to see your doctor if you experience any muscle weakness." More later...
 To read up on an alternative regimen click this link..

Sex And Heart Attack

Have you heard that both physical and sexual activity may boost heart attack risk? WebMD came out with this info,  but said that for most people, the increased risk is slight and does not last long.
The report continues to say that "physical activity and sexual activity are triggers of heart attack and sudden death, but the risk is short lived, lasting one to two hours, during and after the activity."
You can read more about it in The Journal of the American Medical Association or go to WebMD

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Cholesterol Myth

This will shock all of us who are trying to lower our total cholesterol.
William Campbell Douglass, M.D., called "the conscience of modern medicine," makes a startling statement that your total cholesterol should be ABOVE 200.
I finally got mine down to below 200 for the first time in many years. But Dr. Douglass claims that  mainstream medicine has been ordering patients to lower their cholesterol more and more until they reach that "magic" range of 160.  But he himself makes sure his levels are always above 200 even aiming for 300. He says that higher cholesterol makes you less likely to die of heart attack. In fact lowering cholesterol can make heart disease worse.

This is one doctor's findings. You and your doctor should discuss this on your next visit. You be the judge. In the mean time, I continue to follow what my doctor ordered.

For more on this article go to the Cholesterol Myth posted on the right column of Blog Archive.